Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
House Dayne
Night's Watch

"Vorian Dayne, who was a king, and the greatest knight in Dorne before he was defeated by Nymeria. Because of his honor, and his prowess, she sent him to the Wall in golden fetters and took his heir as her husband."
Eddard Stark[src]

King Vorian Dayne was the last King of the Torrentine and ruled as the head of House Dayne during Nymeria's War.


Vorian wielded the Dayne ancestral sword Dawn and was renowned as the greatest knight in Dorne. He fought against Princess Nymeria but was ultimately defeated. Due to his honor and prowess, Nymeria spared him and sent him and five other defeated kings to the Wall in golden fetters. Nymeria married Vorian's heir, Davos.[1][2]

In the books[]

In The World of Ice & Fire, Vorian Dayne's story is the same, except it was never mentioned that he was defeated by Nymeria herself, nor did he wield Dawn.



  1. Histories & Lore: Season 5, Short 9: "Dorne" (2016).
  2. Histories & Lore: Season 6, Short 13: "House Dayne" (2016).

External links[]
