Wiki of Westeros

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Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros

I will keep everything I post in Symbolism. However, all symbolism content will be removed from the sandbox once finished and can be found throughout the wiki.


Tarlys burned by Daenerys

Daenerys Targaryen burns Randyll Tarly and Dickon Tarly in "Eastwatch".

The Tarly motto, "First in Battle", shows the House's connection to a military life. The house's most prised possession is a Valyrian steel sword called "Longclaw", and it also represents the way they fight: as noble generals on the battlefield, not officers in a tent plotting moves. They have one of the best armies in Westeros. The Tarly motto helps explain why Randyll rejected Dickon: he was inept in battle and shamed for his size, and it was unfathomable in his opinion to have such a son, and one who enjoyed activities, such as learning and reading, which Randyll considered feminine and shamed him for that as well. His other son, Dickon, lived up to his expectations, something which eventually resulted in his death. When Sam steels his family's sword Heartsbane in "Blood of My Blood", it is symbolic of how despite never receiving his father's blessing, he must still lead his house after his family's death.

The Tarly sigil colours are red and green. They are colours we generally think clash, a depiction of the contradictory nature of this house during the show. For example, Sam's time training to become a Maester is fuelled his glory-driven desire to rise, and yet other family members are immovable (such as when facing imminent death in the face to preserve their honour).


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