Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
House Bolton
House Bolton

"The Red Kings of House Bolton wore cloaks made from the skins of Stark princes they'd flayed, and one of the Boltons was even known as the Redarm because he liked to plunge an arm into the bellies of captive Starks and pull out their entrails with his bare hand."
Sansa Stark[src]

King Royce IV Bolton,[a] also known as Royce Redarm, was a Red King and head of House Bolton.


Royce earned the nickname "the Redarm" due to his fondness of plunging his arm into the bellies of captive Starks and removing their entrails with his bare hand.[1]

In the books[]

In The World of Ice & Fire, Royce IV Bolton succeeded in burning Winterfell during one of the wars between House Bolton and House Stark, which his namesake Royce II Bolton had done three hundred years earlier.




  1. Conjecture based on information from The World of Ice & Fire; may be subject to change.

External links[]
