Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
Red Mountains

A map showing the location of the Red Mountains on the continent of Westeros.

The Red Mountains[1] are an extensive mountain range in the south of Westeros. They form a barrier between Dorne to the south, the Stormlands to the north, and the Reach to the west. There are two major passes through the mountains, the Prince's Pass and the Boneway.

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the Red Mountains are a formidable obstacle to travel between Dorne and the rest of Westeros. The northern face of the range is scattered with castles designed to defend against Dornish raids. This area is called the Dornish Marches and is part of the Stormlands.

The Red Mountains are noted as being visible from both the Tower of Joy and also Summerhall. They are so-called for the red-colored stone prevalent in the region.

The skirmish at the Tower of Joy was the last engagement of Robert's Rebellion, a civil war that divided the Seven Kingdoms and led to the fall of the Targaryen dynasty and the rise of the Baratheon dynasty.


  1. Map. HBO. Retrieved March 15, 2023.

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