Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
House Velaryon
House Baratheon

"Wed to Monica Velaryon in his seventeenth year at Driftmark. Father to five sons, their names being: Willam, Reginald, Steffon, Padraic and Flynn. Died in his sixty eighth year from a severe chill."
―Excerpt from The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms[src]

Monica Baratheon, née Velaryon, was a member of House Velaryon.



Monica Velaryon was the wife of Serac Baratheon and the mother of Reginald, William, Steffon, Padraic, and Flynn Baratheon.[1]

Game of Thrones: Season 1[]

She is referenced in her husband's entry of The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms. The two married at Driftmark when he was seventeen.[1]

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Monica Velaryon does not exist. However, there is a known marriage of a Lord Baratheon to a woman of House Velaryon. Queen Alyssa Velaryon, the widow of King Aenys I Targaryen, married again to Lord Rogar Baratheon and had two children by him.


