Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
Daario roses

Daario presents Daenerys with lady's lace.

Lady's Lace[1] is a type of vegetation that exists in the region of Slaver's Bay on the continent of Essos.


Game of Thrones: Season 4[]

Daario Naharis gives Daenerys Targaryen a Dusk rose in a handful of flowers he has picked for her, ostensibly to show her the lay of the land around Meereen, but truly a thinly veiled attempt to woo her.[1]

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Daario does present Daenerys with some local flowers as they approach Meereen, but this occurs "off screen" between Daenerys's POV chapters: she recalls it as happening recently in her next chapter. One of these is Lady's Lace.

"Lady's Lace" is one of several names for a real life plant, Ammi majus. By process of elimination, it is the cluster of pale flowers in Daario's bouquet (which are visually close enough to A. Majus).


  1. 1.0 1.1 Game of Thrones: Season 4, Episode 1: "Two Swords" (2014).
