Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros

Eddard Stark: "Who are your best two swords?"
Jory Cassel: "Heward and Wyl."
Eddard Stark: "Find them, and meet me at the stables."
Eddard Stark and Jory Cassel[src]

Heward was a guardsman sworn to House Stark.


Game of Thrones: Season 1[]

Heward travels south with Eddard Stark when the latter is appointed Hand of the King.[1]

Heward and another Stark guard named Wyl accompany Eddard to one of Littlefinger's brothels. Both are killed by Lannister guardsmen at Jaime's orders, in retaliation for Tyrion's arrest by Catelyn.[1]

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Heward is also a guardsman sworn to House Stark. Eddard observes him playing at forfeits with a buxom wench.

Heward is killed in the same manner as in the show.




  1. In "You Win or You Die," Jorah Mormont receives a pardon stating that the current year is 298.

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