Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros

The castle of Runestone, where House Royce ruled as "Bronze Kings of the Vale".

Bronze King[a] was a title held by the head of House Royce in the days before the coming of the Andals.

Known Bronze Kings[]

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, House Royce also held the title "Bronze King" before and during the coming of the Andals. The crown they bore was known as the Runic Crown. The First Men of the Vale were divided among several petty kingdoms, but as the coming of the Andals continued they united under the Royces as over-kings of all the remaining First Men. This stemmed the coming of the Andals for a time, but they were eventually defeated in the Battle of the Seven Stars.

Notable kings of this dynasty included:

  • Yorwyck Royce, Sixth of That Name.
  • Robar Royce, Second of That Name, the last of the Bronze Kings.



  1. Conjecture based on information from The World of Ice & Fire; may be subject to change.

External links[]
