Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
House Justman
House Justman

"He sacked Oldtown and defeated the River King, taking three young sons as hostages. When their father's tribute was late, Qhored cut out their hearts with his own hands. When the father marched for vengeance, Qhored smashed his army and gave this River King to the Drowned God."
Euron Greyjoy[src]

King Bernarr II Justman[a] was a King of the Trident.


When Qhored Hoare, King of the Iron Islands, invaded the Riverlands, he defeated King Bernarr and took his three young sons as hostages. After Bernarr's tribute to the Ironborn king was late, Qhored cut out their hearts with his own hands. Bernarr sought revenge and marched his army against Qhored, who defeated him and drowned him as a sacrifice to the Drowned God.[1]

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Bernarr's story is the same. His death rendered House Justman extinct and threw the Riverlands into a century of anarchy.




  1. Conjecture based on information from The World of Ice & Fire; may be subject to change.

External links[]
