| |
Sezonas (-ai) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Pirmas pasirodymas | „Winter is Coming“ |
Pasirodė | 39 epizodai (žiūrėti apačioje) |
Titulai | Meškų Sala|Meškų Salos Lordas (aksčiau) Seras |
Dar žinoma kaip | Džora iš Andalo |
Statusas | Gyvas |
Ištikimybė | Targaryen giminė Varys (anksčiau) Golden Company (anksčiau) House Mormont |
Kilmė | Šiauriečių |
Šeima | {Jeor Mormont} - tėvas Maege Mormont - teta Lyanna Mormont - pusseserė Lynesse Hightower - žmona (išsiskyrę) |
Aktorius (-ė) | Iain Glen |
- „Kiekvieno vyro viduje tūno žvėris ir jis pabunda tada kai jam į rankas paduodamas kardas.“
- ―Jorah Mormont
Seras Džora Mormontas - pagrindinis veikėjas pirmame, antrame, trečiame, ketvirtame, penktame ir šeštame sezonuose. Personažą vaidina aktorius Iain Glen, jis debiutuoja serialo premjeroje. Seras Džora yra ištremtasis lordas iš Šiaurės, kuris šiuo metu gyvena Esoso žemyne. Būdamas tremtyje jis sutinka Deinerą Targarien ir prisiekia jai ištikimybę.
Iš tiesų, kurį laiką, Džora dirbo kaip šnipas. Jis buvo pasamdytas Vario, Karaliaus Roberto Šnabždesių Lordo ir jis jam siuntė informaciją apie Viserį ir Deineris Targarienus. Tačiau labiau pradedant pasitikėti Deinera ir ir susižavėti ja, jis pradeda jai sąžiningai tarnauti. Jis jai vieną karta buvo išgelbėjęs gyvybę, po to nutraukė ryšius su Variu, ir pradėjo ignoruoti jam siunčiamus karališkus atsiprašymus, kurie jam būtų leidę sugrįžti į Vestrosą. Po ilgos draugystės su Deineris Džora pradeda jausti jai simpatiją. Kuomet Deineris sužino apie jo praeitus šnipinėjimus, ji atleidžia jį nuo pareigų ir įsako niekada negrįžti, bet jis jai kaip ištikimybės įrodymai atgabena jai „dovaną“ Tirioną Lanisterį ir viliasi, kad ji jam atleis.
Jorah Mormont is the son of Jeor Mormont of House Mormont, the Lords of Bear Island and vassals of House Stark in the North. Jorah had a distinguished early career, and participating in the Siege of Pyke during the Greyjoy Rebellion, for which he was knighted by King Robert Baratheon.[1] His father later voluntarily joined the Night's Watch, leaving Jorah as Lord of Bear Island and head of House Mormont.
Jorah married Lynesse Hightower, but his new wife had expensive tastes which Jorah struggled to fund to make her happy. Ultimately he resorted to selling poachers into slavery, which has been illegal in the Seven Kingdoms for millennia and is a great taboo throughout Westeros. Jorah was caught and disgraced. He was stripped of his Lordship and fled to the Free Cities to avoid being executed by Eddard Stark. He served in mercenary companies such as the Golden Company.[2] His wife eventually left him for another, richer man.[3]
He is called Jorah the Andal by the Dothraki, as they assume that all people from Westeros are Andals. However, Jorah is actually a Northman, descended from the First Men.
Besides the Common Tongue of Westeros, Ser Jorah is fluent in the Dothraki language.
1 sezonas[]
Jorah appears at the wedding of Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen. He introduces himself and presents Daenerys with some books containing songs and stories from Westeros. He tells her that he served her father for many years, and pledges to serve the rightful king, her brother Viserys.[4]
While traveling to Vaes Dothrak, Ser Jorah tells Viserys that he lost his home because he sold some poachers to slavers (which is illegal in the Seven Kingdoms). Eddard Stark wanted to execute him for breaking the law. He fled instead. Viserys dismisses the charges as foolishness, saying such things will be tolerated under his rule. Mormont is less certain that this will happen.[5]
3 sezonas[]
In addition to bearing the responsibility of finding Daenerys and bringing her back to Meereen alive, Jorah, who has become affected with greyscale, must prepare for the worst as the disease worsens within him.
Winter is Coming | The Kingsroad | Lord Snow | Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things | The Wolf and the Lion |
A Golden Crown | You Win or You Die | The Pointy End | Baelor | Fire and Blood |
The North Remembers | The Night Lands | What is Dead May Never Die | Garden of Bones | The Ghost of Harrenhal |
The Old Gods and the New | A Man Without Honor | The Prince of Winterfell | Blackwater | Valar Morghulis |
Valar Dohaeris | Dark Wings, Dark Words | Walk of Punishment | And Now His Watch is Ended | Kissed by Fire |
The Climb | The Bear and the Maiden Fair | Second Sons | The Rains of Castamere | Mhysa |
Two Swords | The Lion and the Rose | Breaker of Chains | Oathkeeper | First of His Name |
The Laws of Gods and Men | Mockingbird | The Mountain and the Viper | The Watchers on the Wall | The Children |
The Wars to Come | The House of Black and White | High Sparrow | Sons of the Harpy | Kill the Boy |
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | The Gift | Hardhome | The Dance of Dragons | Mother’s Mercy |
Giminės medis[]
Jeor Mormont Night's Watch File:Crow shield icon.png Deceased |
Unknown Lady Mormont Deceased |
Maege Mormont Possibly deceased |
Unknown Lord Mormont Deceased | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jorah Mormont |
Lynesse Mormont née Hightower | Lyanna Mormont | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuotraukų galerija[]
On the Season 2 Blu-ray, Jorah narrates a Histories & Lore video on "The Free Cities". On the Season 3 Blu-ray, he narrates "Old Ghis & Slaver's Bay" and "The Unsullied", and on Season 4 Blu-ray he narrates "Valyrian Steel" in which he also mentions his own past and family.
Taip pat skaitykite[]
- Jorah Mormont on A Wiki of Ice and Fire (Galimi tolesni siužeto atskleidimai)
Targaryen giminė | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
House Mormont
| |||||
Lord: | Lady Lyanna Mormont | Heir: | Unknown | ||
Seat: | Bear Island | Lands: | The North | ||
Title(s): | Lord of Bear Island | ||||
Current members: | Jorah Mormont · Lynesse Mormont | ||||
Deceased members: | Jeor Mormont · Maege Mormont | ||||
Overlord: | House Stark |